10:00 AM | Village Green Park, 53 Hewitt St.
Join us with our friends from EarlyON Dufferin for songs, stories and a craft in the park.
Meet at Village Green Park, 53 Hewitt Street, at 10 a.m.
10:30 AM | Alder Street Library, 275 Alder Street
Take part in this interactive program that has something for everyone. Sing songs, listen to stories and rhymes, and play games that encourage literacy and learning.
Talking, singing, reading and playing are the key skills and fun ways to help your child get ready to read. Developing early literacy skills makes it easier for children to learn to read once they begin school, and helps to foster a lifelong love of reading and learning. No registration is required.
Recommended for age 5 and under. This is a drop-in program.
This program is also offered on Thursdays at the Mill Street location.
10:30 AM | Mill Street Library, 1 Mill Street
In March and April, Orangeville Public Library is once again hosting the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP). The 2025 free clinic is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Mill Street Library and on Mondays at the Orangeville Seniors Centre. It will run until April 25.
The CVITP program, staffed by trained volunteers, helps individuals and families e-file their 2024 tax return. From students to seniors, those with a modest income and a simple tax situation are eligible for this service. Find out if you are eligible for the tax program.
Starting on Monday, March 3:
Participants need to bring personal identification, all tax slips, rent or property tax receipts, summary of prescriptions, charitable donations, and other related documents.
For the drop-off service, individuals will present ID, sign a consent form, and leave receipts with library staff. A tax volunteer will follow up to conduct a telephone interview. After the tax return is filed online, the original tax receipts will be mailed back to the participant at no charge. The last drop-off date is Friday, April 25.
CVITP is offered with support from the Canada Revenue Agency.
10:30 AM | Mill Street Library, 1 Mill Street
In March and April, Orangeville Public Library is once again hosting the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP). The 2025 free clinic is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Mill Street Library and on Mondays at the Orangeville Seniors Centre. It will run until April 25.
The CVITP program, staffed by trained volunteers, helps individuals and families e-file their 2024 tax return. From students to seniors, those with a modest income and a simple tax situation are eligible for this service. Find out if you are eligible for the tax program.
Starting on Monday, March 3:
Participants need to bring personal identification, all tax slips, rent or property tax receipts, summary of prescriptions, charitable donations, and other related documents.
For the drop-off service, individuals will present ID, sign a consent form, and leave receipts with library staff. A tax volunteer will follow up to conduct a telephone interview. After the tax return is filed online, the original tax receipts will be mailed back to the participant at no charge. The last drop-off date is Friday, April 25.
CVITP is offered with support from the Canada Revenue Agency.
1:00 PM | Mill Street Library, 1 Mill Street
Give your child a jumpstart to a love of reading by engaging in fun, interactive activities with your baby. This is a drop-in program for newborns to 18 months.
There will be time to socialize with other new parents after the program.
Every Child Ready to Read is an early childhood literacy program for children from birth to age five. Library staff will demonstrate ways to help children get ready to read, incorporating five activities: talking, singing, reading, writing and playing.
This is program is also offered on Friday, 10:30 a.m. at the Alder location.
7:00 PM | Mill Street Library, 1 Mill Street
Jump into the world of books with the Check it Out Book Club. This club will utilize our library Book Club in a Bag kits and discussion guides to explore a wide range of genres.
This month's selection is Denison Avenue by Christina Wong.
The Check It Out Book Club is currently full. Please add your name to the waiting list.
10:30 AM | Mill Street Library, 1 Mill Street
Take part in this interactive program that has something for everyone. Sing songs, listen to stories and rhymes, and play games that encourage literacy and learning.
Talking, singing, reading and playing are the key skills and fun ways to help your child get ready to read. Developing early literacy skills makes it easier for children to learn to read once they begin school, and helps to foster a lifelong love of reading and learning. No registration is required.
Recommended for age 5 and under. This is a drop-in program.
This program is also offered on Tuesdays at the Alder Library.
10:30 AM | Alder Street Library, 275 Alder Street
Give your child a jumpstart to a love of reading by engaging in fun, interactive activities with your baby. This is a drop-in program for newborns to 18 months.
There will be time to socialize with other new parents after the program.
Every Child Ready to Read is an early childhood literacy program for children from birth to age five. Library staff will demonstrate ways to help children get ready to read, incorporating five activities: talking, singing, reading, writing and playing.
This program is also offered on Wednesday, 1 p.m. at the Mill Library.
4:00 PM | Alder Street Library, 275 Alder Street
Join us to discuss all your favourite reads! The Teen Chronicles Book Club meets monthly at the Alder Library, and each month we read books from a different theme/genre. Teens can also earn volunteer hours by leading one of the meetings, and by writing book reviews.